Jerry garcia band t shirts
Jerry garcia band t shirts

jerry garcia band t shirts

Tastes and appetites (and lots of money), and he impresses with his all-around hoovering versatility.

  • 1 paper bindle with brown rock like substanceĬocaine was commonly encountered among Bay Area affluenti (drivers of late-model blackīMWs, for example) of the mid-1980s, as it probably is today.
  • 1 Zip-Loc baggie containing 1 yellow legal paperīindle containing white powder, labeled "1/2 gram".
  • 1 paper bindle of white powder found in.
  • jerry garcia band t shirts

  • 11 paper bindles with brown residue in a bag.
  • jerry garcia band t shirts

    3 paper bindles containing brown powder (found.1 SFPD issue property envelope [ed: containing.1 brown briefcase containing misc papers.(another thoroughly modern move, in terms of the quantification and the agency The numberings are mine, so I can refer to them His stash duly inscribes itself into his official (hence "permanent") record, as The man, 42, 6'0 and 250 (ish), long greying hair, a plaid red shirt and a blackįrom six days earlier, "knocked-out-loaded" (James Booker), flat-out busted (something Booker also understood). Officer Gamble arrested "Jerry Garcia, born 8/1/42" on charges of possession of narcoticsįor sale, based on multiple, separately labeled bindles of drugs and a sizeable wad of cash. Smell of something burned coming from inside the car. Glass cooker and and the cigarette lighters. Also, I saw the baggie of paper bindles, the Inside the briefcase I saw several other pieces of tin foil I looked into the car and saw an open briefcase open on the front He verbally identified himself as "Jerry Garcia, bornĨ/1/42".

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    He said he did not have his driver's license and he gave I asked him for his driver's license and the I told him to open his window more and he started the engineĪnd opened the power window.

    Jerry garcia band t shirts